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Image by charlesdeluvio


Contingency Management Training Efforts




Small gift cards can be a key tool to stop stimulant addiction, but stigma stands in the way

Mira Cheng

April 16, 2024​



WSU researchers train clinic including two in Spokane to help people quit stimulant drugs
Treva Lind
September 4, 2023

Seattle Times


Seattle tries new approach for treating addiction – gift cards
David Kroman
June 6, 2024

Health Affairs


Federal Policy Changes Must Occur To Provide A Lifesaving Stimulant Drug Intervention
Michael G McDonell, Katherine Hichak, Erin McCrady, H.Westley Clark, Richard Rawson
February 14, 2024


New York Times


This Addiction Treatment Works. Why Is It So Underused?
Abby Goodnough​

October 27, 2020



Peavy, K.M., Pinnel, & Helm, D. (June 2023). Contingency Management in the wild: Rural substance use
provider experiences with evidence-based practices targeting stimulant use
. Virtual presentation for the
SAMHSA Region X Northwest Rural Opioid Technical Assistance Collaborative.

Peer Reviewed Publications Related to CM Implementation

Parent, S. C., Peavy, K. M., Tyutyunnyk, D., Hirchak, K. A., Nauts, T., Dura, A., ... & McDonell, M. G. (2023).
Lessons learned from statewide contingency management rollouts addressing stimulant use in the
Northwestern United States.
Preventive Medicine, 107614.

Hirchak, K., Echo-Hawk, H., Parent, S., Peavy, K. M., Webb, K., Bajet, K., ... & McDonell, M. G. (2023). The urgent
need for contingency management among tribal communities in the United States: Considerations for
implementation, policy, and sovereignty.
Preventive Medicine, 107662.

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